About Learnerobics®

If someone had told me you could physically exercise and improve the brain's ability to learn ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed them. But now, after first seeing the results for my son and then all the children and adults I've worked with since, I'm on a mission! I understand the frustration, worry and helplessness when...
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APD is not a hearing problem. It's more about how fast a brain can process what is being said. The APD brain doesn't hear the differences between phonemes (speech sounds) very clearly. It affects language skills, so understanding, communication, spelling and comprehension are affected. It plays a role in dyslexia, autism, ADHD and... Read More

Brain imaging technology improved in the 1990s so that scientists can now study the brain in far more detail than ever before. It means that we can now measure the effectiveness of learning interventions, which would have been very cumbersome beforehand. As a result, bodies of research such as The Science of Learning and The Science... Read More

Being open to learning isn't easy when you have learning and reading challenges. It's also sad when children start to believe they are 'not enough' because of it. Our coaching introduces you to neuroplasticity and Carol Dweck's growth mindset, so that students can feel safe and strong enough to make a few mistakes and get learning again.