We take a brain-based approach. By exercising cognitive, language and mindset skills, we strengthen the brain's learning pathways so that the brain's electrical signals can travel faster.

"If a brain is exercised properly, anyone can grow intelligence, at any age, and potentially by a lot."
Dr Michael Merzenich, winner of the 2016 Kavli Prize (neuroscience).
How much does Learnerobics® cost?
3 Months $1,205
1 Month $431
Fast ForWord® Only 3 Months $997 (no growth mindset coaching)
See pricing below for what's included. Prices are upfront. NDIS clients see below.
You will need to commit to five 30 or 40 minute online sessions per week for about 3 to 6 months to see results.
Money back guarantee
There is a 14 day money back guarantee, when minimum attendance requirements of 30 minutes, 5 days per week, have been met. Please book a free consultation beforehand to chat about your expectations.
We have a program catering specifically for Self Managed or Plan Managed NDIS clients, which includes NDIS friendly invoicing. Once funding has been approved, NDIS friendly invoices are sent to your appointed payer each fortnight. You will also need to commit to five 30 minute online sessions per week for about 3 to 6 months to see results. Please book a free Demo/Consultation to get things organised with your Planner.
If you are unable to continue your commitment for the next fortnight, please advise in writing (email) the week before.
What exactly is Learnerobics®?
It's a combination of an evidence based, online program called Fast ForWord® and growth mindset coaching.
Fast ForWord®
Fast ForWord® has been serving whole school districts, speech pathologists and individual students globally for more than 25 years.
It was written by a team of neuroscientists headed by Dr Michael Merzenich, who won the esteemed 2016 Kavli Prize and who also co-invented the cochlear implant. The team of neuroscientists worked with sophisticated software developers to produce game-like exercises to build stronger pathways in the brain for the skills that support learning - attention, memory, language processing and sequencing.
It features prominently in the book The Brain That Changes Itself, by Dr Norman Doidge, in the chapter called Redesigning The Brain.
Fast ForWord® is owned by Scientific Learning, a privately owned subsidiary of Carnegie Learning in the USA.
Growth Mindset Coaching
First identified by Carol Dweck in her 2006 book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, fostering a growth mindset encourages an openness to learning.
Because many of our students are resistant to learning, we added growth mindset coaching for parents to help students shift negative beliefs about their ability to learn.
This is helpful firstly, in getting the benefits from attending Fast ForWord®, and secondly, to be open to learning any new skills going forward for the entire family. After all, learning skills builds confidence.
What makes Learnerobics® different from other reading programs?
Without a doubt, it's the neuroscience. Fast ForWord® understands how the brain processes and sequences the sounds of language. The ability to understand, learn and read all depend on the brain being able to do that, and fast.
From more than 40 years of brain research, the neuroscience team behind Fast ForWord® learned about the ability of the brain to change and reorganise it's neural pathways according to the repetition placed on it.
Fast ForWord® places a repetitive demand on the brain to become more efficient at paying attention, remembering more and processing the sounds of the English language. When these pathways are more efficient, the brain's electrical signals can travel faster.
Students typically see improvements in all four domains of language - listening, speaking, reading and writing and they feel it as confidence.
Learnerobics® also understands auditory processing disorder, or APD. It is one of the main reasons for learning and reading difficulties.
With APD, the brain can't work fast enough to process all the sounds it hears. As speech is very rapid, the brain misses out on letters and words, making understanding difficult.
The flow-on effect is confusion, but also an inability to match speech sounds to letters, making spelling and reading very challenging.
But let's not underestimate the growth mindset coaching. Fast ForWord® will only help if the student logs in and does the work. Many of our students have developed a resistance to learning because it has been especially painful for them. The growth mindset coaching (done with a parentor carer if under 16) shifts their internal language and beliefs around their ability to learn and develop new skills. When you think about it, why bother learning when you believe you can't?
Once you understand how repetition builds the brain's neural pathways, and you know that Fast ForWord® gives struggling learners and readers much more repetition, you'll know that there will be improvements. It is also game based, with built in bonuses to make it fun and rewarding. What we don't know is how long it will take. Fast ForWord® adapts to each user, so they are given the repetition they need.
If you would like to see the research behind Fast ForWord®, please email me at monique@learnerobics.com.au or mention it at your free consult.
As a guide, most students will work through the two cognitive modules in 3 - 6 months. But we have had students that have taken longer and shorter, as all brains are different.
No assessment or diagnosis needed?
Deciding to do Learnerobics® is your decision. You don't need to wait for an assessment or diagnosis. You can start exercising the brain's learning and reading pathways in a few days. If you're on a waiting list for therapy, can't afford an assessment now, or prefer a more natural approach, we can help.
Who is this for?
We can help children and adults who:
-Are waiting for speech therapy
-Are having challenges with reading and/or learning, like remembering instructions, spelling, decoding (matching sounds to letters), reading fluency and/or comprehension, completing tasks or being organised.
-They may have dyslexia, autism, ADHD, auditory processing disorder (APD), diagnosed or undiagnosed.
-May be recovering language function after a stroke or brain injury.
-Are learning in English as a second language.
-Have found learning harder since COVID.
-Seniors who want to improve their word recall and communication
-Those who prefer a more natural approach to learning and reading interventions
-Can commit (with support) to the 30 minutes, 5 days a week for 3-6 months required to make lasting changes in the brain.
If you're hesitant, we understand. Most of our students are to a degree, and it's because academic learning has been painful for them, so far. This is why we include the growth mindset coaching.
For other physical restraints, see Terms and Conditions below.
How do I get started?
Book a free consult. We'll answer any lingering questions you might have and see if you're ready to start. If you are, we can take your enrolment details, organise your support/coaching calls and you can pay by credit card then and there.
For NDIS clients, we need to organise things with your planner. We will ask for their details at your free consult.
You will need to make sure you have headphones that cover the ears (they do not need to be expensive), a lap or desktop computer and access to good internet. Fast ForWord® works best on Google Chrome and an Apple iPad can be used if you prefer.
We'll send you any other information you need to get started, including log in details. Then you just log in from anywhere in Australia and go.
Terms and conditions
The access to Fast ForWord is paid for in full before commencement, unless agreed to by Learnerobics®. A 14 day money back guarantee applies, when the minimum attendance requirement of 30 minutes, 5 days per week has been met.
Outcome expectations from doing the Fast ForWord® program allows for the constraints on the effectiveness of the program (see below).
The subscription is continuous and may not be paused during the subscription period, unless agreed to by Learnerobics®.
You are purchasing access to the Fast ForWord® online program. Completing each module provides the best possible outcomes, however, as Fast ForWord® adapts to each student, completion may not co-incide with your expiry date. Renewal is your choice and not compulsory. Included is fortnightly support calls and growth mindset coaching where indicated.
The participant, or participant’s parent/s or guardian/s will agree to use the program in accordance to the protocols advised. Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring compliance and that all exercises presented each day are completed. This will result in the best possible outcome.
While there is much scientifically based evidence for the effectiveness of the Fast ForWord® programs, Learnerobics® does not warrant any particular outcome or result, as individual brains differ. Please see below Considerations which may impact the effectiveness of Fast ForWord®.
Learnerobics® will provide technical support relating to the Fast ForWord® programs, but will not be responsible for the compatibility or performance of the participant’s computer, devices or internet connection.
The participant or participant’s parent/s or carer/s agree not to copy, rent, lease, lend, licence, sub-licence, sell, export, assign, transfer or in any other way disseminate, reverse engineer, decompile, or create derivative works or adaptations of the Fast ForWord® software.
The Fast ForWord® program must be commenced within one week of purchase unless otherwise agreed by Learnerobics®.
You agree to receive emails from us which, if you do not find valuable, can unsubscribe from anytime.
Considerations which may impact the effectiveness of Fast ForWord®:
Attention - the student will need to sit at a computer for at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week, with support.
Ability to use a mouse or iPad – the user must be capable of using the mouse or their iPad to interact with the Fast ForWord® program.
Autism – depending where the student is on the spectrum, progress may be slow or limited.
Cerebral Palsy – progress may be limited or slow due to physical restraints.
Colour Blindness – Several exercises rely on colour differentiation.
Developmental delay or intellectual impairment – progress may be limited or slow.
Down Syndrome – progress may be limited or slow.
Dyspraxia (DCD) – Fast ForWord® will not help with the motor planning of dyspraxia but may be of use in addressing language development.
Hearing impairment – some users with hearing impairment may need an FM loop as Fast ForWord® requires the user to be able to hear auditory stimuli.
Sight impairment – Fast ForWord® relies on viewing a computer screen.
The information on this website is for education and information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or substitute for professional medical advice of any kind. Please consult with your health care professional.
The science of reading and the science of learning
Since the 1990s, brain imaging technology has ignited a flurry of research in fields such as neuroscience, cognitive psychology, educational psychology and linguistics. This means that learning theories can now be measured and analysed, using parameters such as the increase in blood flow in fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) studies.
The body of research known as the science of reading has already changed the way students in Australian K-2 classes are being taught to read. And yes, these studies have finally confirmed the importance of explicit phonic instruction in that process.
The Australian Education Reform Organisation is also arguing for the wider based Science of Learning research to inform learning in all subjects in Australian Schools in future, to redress the current rates of decline in student outcomes.
Fast ForWord®, the online component of Learnerobics®, also uses fMRI imaging in its evidence based research.
The Brain That Changes Itself (2008)
The book 'The Brain That Changes Itself' documented several cases where people had rewired their brains to live well beyond what their doctors had originally advised. Catch up with the documentary here, including a feature on Fast ForWord©, the evidence based, online program used by Learnerobics® (starts at 20:20). The incredible Dr Michael Merzenich is also featured.
You may also marvel at all the other stories of hope.

Join me ...
As a mum with lived experience, I understand the difficulty of trying to engage a child who doesn't want to learn.
Along the way, I discovered hope in the latest neuroscience technology. I learned about auditory processing disorder (APD) and what a difference the growth mindset can make.
Come with me as we work it all out together.
We're in Picton, NSW, Australia. Having said that, keep in mind that our products and services are delivered online, so you don't need to come to the office.
Our services are available in Australia.